Explore Bhāvani's online class options below. Each stand alone class is designed with a purpose in mind
and is artfully sequenced to help you explore the body.
Purchase classes on their own, or purchase a monthly or lifetime access.

Yin / Relax: Hip Openers, A Key to Freedom
Restorative postures teach us the art of letting go of long held tensions and the embodiment of tranquility. Unlocking the pelvis liberates the stem of the spine, the flower of the brain and ultimately the nectar of clear consciousness.

Fearless Love: Backbending into Freedom
Patanjali advises us to go forth on the yogic path with the two wings of freedom, abhyasa and vairagya, effort and release. We will explore how to create traction and release in a clear and systematic approach that is compression-free.

Suryanamaskara C: Moving Meditation
Standing and balancing postures linked with Vinyasa cultivate a stable foundation to get grounded and tap into our inner wellspring of joy. The unpredictability of Surya Namaskara C keeps the experience fun, and helps us connect to a feeling of lightness in our heart's center.

Amrita: The Nectar of Inversions
Sarvangasana and Sirsasana are known as the royal postures in that they offer the most profound physical and physiological benefits to the master glands of the endocrine system. A detailed and methodical investigation of how to approach these postures to access the nectar of Amrita, to reverse the aging process and awaken higher brain centers of intution.

Clearing the Heart and Unloading the Shoulders
A somatic investigation of the Patanjali Yoga Sutra’s teachings on living life from the inside out in order to find sufficient inner freedom to enjoy and experience life to its fullest. This sequence will explore shoulder openers such as inversions and arm balances to integrate the least stable joint of the body and access the seat of wisdom in our heart’s center.

Mulabhanda: Checking The Downward Pull
We are born aquatic and have to work our whole lives to find our legs, and to work with gravity to embody the experience of ascension. Standing postures actively develop strength and suppleness of the legs, as well as stability in consciousness. Abhyasa, or practice, literally means to “check the downward pull”. An integration of Patanjali Yoga Sutra, functional anatomy and asana offer pragmatic development of Yoga as the art and science of self-actualization through embodiment.

Uddiyana Bhanda: Abdominals & the Enteric Brain
Core work practiced with intelligence creates strength through length. Within each of us, is a second brain located at the navel center, in which we produce over 90% of our serotonin. An integration of Patanjali’s metaphysical teachings along with functional anatomy in exploring how to move from one’s deep center.
This class is more of a detailed technique workshop, than just a full physical practice. You'll get to practice postures as well as spend extra time learning and examining the details of them.