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Ep 18 Yoga As Alchemy

Season #1

In this episode, Bhāvani talks about the process of Yoga being one that squeezes us—ultimately an alchemical process. She poses this question to listeners, “Am I going to live in the wound because it’s familiar, or tune into that part of me that wants to heal and reclaim my wholeness?” This interview includes the why behind studying Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtra, the importance of having teachers who have teachers, how to honor our own lineage, and the a look at the Indigenous Heart of Yoga. “The alchemizing qualities of Yoga are about learning to develop self-understanding, looking at the compressive forces of evolution, wrestling with our angels, and finding our unique path through life.”

Show Notes: Bhāvani Maki: Online Yoga Sūtra Mentorship Program & Sūtra Wisdom School: Get your copy of The Yogi’s Roadmap: The Patañjali Yoga Sūtra as a Journey to Self Realization: Shinay Tredeau: & Intro and outro music by: Emmaneulle Martin: Emmanuelle on Soundcloud: